Unlocking Excellence in Hospitality: Inside Brigad's Talent Community

In the dynamic world of hospitality, having access to skilled and reliable professionals is paramount. Brigad's community of hospitality talents embodies this ideal, offering businesses a community of highly skilled, self-employed professionals ready to meet diverse staffing needs. From head chefs to kitchen porters and bartenders, Brigad’s talents cover over 15 different roles, ensuring seamless operations for restaurants and other hospitality venues.

Who are the talents in Brigad’s community?

The professionals in Brigad’s community are dedicated self-employed freelancers who prioritise flexibility and work-life balance. The fact that these talents are self-employed underscores their reliability and drive, making them invaluable assets to any business.

Rigorous Vetting for Exceptional Talent

To maintain the highest standards, Brigad employs a stringent vetting process. Only 13% of applicants pass this rigorous selection, which includes comprehensive identity and skill verification. This meticulous process ensures that businesses can trust Brigad’s talents to deliver exceptional service.

A Community That Thrives Together

Brigad provides a supportive and secure environment for its talents, offering automated contracts, insurance coverage, and reliable payments. Community events and other support systems also make finding work with Brigad a stress-free experience.

Talents benefit from continuous engagement and opportunities to enhance their skills through Brigad’s Level Up Programme. This initiative allows them to access senior roles with higher remuneration, provided they meet specific criteria. So, it’s no surprise that 30% of talents exclusively use Brigad to find work.

Ensuring Quality and Reliability

Top talents are recognised with the Super Talent badge, recognising their skills and granting them access to personalised career development support. To earn this badge, talents must complete at least 10 missions in the last 90 days, maintain a 90% or higher re-work rate with clients, and have no no-shows or late cancellations.


Brigad’s community of hospitality professionals stands out for their expertise, reliability, and commitment to excellence. With a stringent vetting process and a supportive environment, Brigad ensures that businesses receive top-tier service while providing talents with the opportunities and flexibility they value. For businesses and talents alike, Brigad is a gateway to success in the hospitality industry.

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